I'm not Entirely Sure Why Blogger had Me Create a New Blog

 Just for reference, the old blog is there in its entirety if you go to traisling.blogger.com. That has not been active in a long time, and personally, dealing with WordPress is horrifying. But here I am. Above and below, there I was.

I suppose, maybe one cannot use the same name after so long an absence as mine. That is not fair at all, but, I am told consistently in varying ways, "where is it written that life is fair"? It is not, I can tell you that right off. Anyway, that is the gist of this very short post. It's really all that needs to be said.

Just to make it easier:

OLD BLOG: trailing.blogger.com (begins in 2005)

NEW BLOG: EMTWench.blogspot.com (begins today)


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