I Do Not Understand Some People
I am very good at reading people. This is not a magical skill, it is in fact, a skill we all possess in our brain and however long we can unless we are convinced or influenced that doing something else will serve more, or just plain not working on this function as time goes on we'll lose that instinct that will help your survival more than you can imagine. As a Human Resources Manager, as a regular person, as someone who likes to meet new people, and read them, well, it is an excellent tool and then, to top it off, I read a lot about this subject to yet more increase this ability.
But there are some very few people whose body language fits to what they might be telling me. Or they hide their evil or scamming nature. We had hired someone who was a talented grafter. S/He was awful - but that was once s/he had been hired. My office was unusual in that it had a bathroom with a shower stall, and luckily for me, I never was going to use it, so they fixed it by removing the shower head and making it unusable. I had large bookshelves installed in there, and it was wonderful. I used the loo and brought my own toilet paper in; companies the world over do not understand high-end all the time, and this place was no exception; their one-ply, thin, gruesome and raw toilet paper would take the skin off your most sensitive parts and kill you outright! My Charmin was far more superior.
When this individual came in the her/his first day, s/he went to use my loo, with my permission, but not to do what you'd normally expect but to puke! I was appalled, and went in there after s/he'd left to see if there was a mess I'd had to worry. No mess, but the faint odor of alcohol was in there. Disgusting. That should have been the second clue that there was a lot that was amiss. The first was the background check, rife with numerous names and aliases, varying workplaces, all these really huge red flags AND a WOO WOO ALARM! (No one else who'd gotten that far in the interviewing process ever tripped my personal WOO WOO ALARM here, and that was a really loud one, so it was so painfully obvious that this person should not ever be employed. (I was left out of the interview process, I don't know why, I'd have never given him the high five, I'd have said let's just wait and see his background check. I personally think they might've done so because they knew, waaaaay, deep down, that this one was bad news, but why wait?!) Yes, it was a horror, a real shit-show, but when I asked the big boss about it, he waved it off, and said something like it's done. I know a "bug off" (even as I hear it couched in a nicer way!), so I did as I was bid. Even so, eight months later, that nightmare ended. It went long into other insane abuses that would be a terribly long post to plow through, but let's just say it cost a staggering amount of money to fix the various horrors perpetrated along the path of this wayward person. BBB-R-R-R-R-R! So, that is one.
The next one I cannot discuss in much detail, but while s/he is not very good at her life of "how low can we go", this one pretty much knocked the ball out of the park in thieving. Just the thieving part. This individual did many other heinous things, but karma is just two months and a few days from coming, and I hope to be there with a video camera to see the event, just to see if the walls and ceiling and floor will still be in it, as I have complete faith that s/he will destroy the place in anyway possible to communicate the flaming anger and revenge that s/he is capable of doing. And believe me, every manner of cheating, lying, providing false paperwork, the whole nine yards, but s/he's left an obvious, huge plowed out area that anyone could easily follow so that no one -- not one person, including her (by her words) disavowed remaining family. I don't think anyone takes the lies seriously.
We were prepared (albeit very little, since no one truly expects to hear a "sitting president" lying left, right and centre, regardless of what anyone else thinks -- it's a wonder to me that this joker managed to get in the White House to do the amount of damage and supporting thorough his terrible term Neo-Nazi White Supremacists and Q-Anon people), but s/he prepared us for that horror of a past-president, who hopefully will have some tiny little thing that will keep him and any more aged beyond their expiration date to be president, a small thing like an MI, stroke (not that he doesn't show all the possibilities of having had one; he never could put a decent sentence together). We saw many, many examples consistently. And the hair, the wife who stayed with him after he'd had been doing the horizontal mambo with Stormy Daniels (patooey!). The man has nob taste, not to mention the onset of dementia, maybe Alzheimer's, when he could not admit, like any normal human being, that he'd lost), s/he did prep us for him.
Anyway, this person is still coming up with some truly ridiculous lies, and this just to get fed. This individual would have gotten her/his disability today, as all disability and Social Security payments arrive on the fourth Wednesday of every month. There won't be much in it, but undoubtedly it will be gone in two days. I personally agree with my friend: starving his/her worthless ass out of their deceased mother's house is perfectly good -- even great. Don't get in the way of that. Turn off the heat. And don't have cable services, take out every last thing that has even a penny in value, and at some point, well, it won't be the haven hoped for by this low-life.
But yes, people like this have a tiny corner in hell specially reserved for them, no check-in needed (if you believe in those kinds of religion); or, if Hindi, will return via karma as a newt, an amoeba, as they were just abysmal humans; maybe they won't come back as anything, since they left a swath of damage through the universe beyond its understanding of humans. By Wiccan standards? I there again, it is a karma-run system.
I think it is obvious that it really is three people I do not understand, and personally, don't wish to.
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